Complete Financial Overview with Transcure Dashboard

Explore the key performance indicators, analyze the patient details, and improve financial outcomes of your medical practice.

EMR Patient Portal

Business Intelligence Reporting

Make better financial decisions with the Transcure Dashboard.

General Dashboard

Key Performance Indicators

Submission amount, installment payments, patient payments, overall collections, and bill statistics. 

General Dashboard

Patient Dashboard

Details of the number of patients, their insurance details, new patients, appointment and diagnosis details.

General Dashboard

Financial Dashboard

Collection comparison, charges and payment analysis, revenue forecast, AR and collectibles, and percentage of paid claims.

Detailed Patient Analysis

The patient dashboard depicts the number of patients in your practice. Similarly, it shows active patients, new patients, and patients with no insurance. In addition, the dashboard shows the graphical view of number of patients per month. Further, the revenue generated from the patient visits with respect to targets and achievements is elaborated in the form of graphs. Moreover, appointment analysis and top ten diagnosis are also displayed in the patient dashboard.

EHR Software
EHR Software

View Practice Performance Easily

Monitor the key performance indicators which impact the revenue of your practice. In addition, analyze the overall collection from insurance companies and patients. Similarly, view charges and payments analysis and revenue forecast of your practice. Also, the graphical representation of accounts receivable and collectible allow providers to make better business decisions. Further, primary and secondary claims are segregated in the form of graphs.

EHR Software

AR and Denial Management

Reduce AR and Manage Your Denials

Transcure Dashboard allows providers to view graphical information to analyze their accounts receivable and collectibles. Similarly, you can analyze the overall collections and pending payments to take corrective actions. Likewise, the details of the payments from insurance and patients are displayed separately in the form of charts. So, healthcare providers can optimize their financial performance by making the best business decisions.


Our Certifications

We strictly adhere to compliance and state regulations and our certifications exhibit that well.

HIPAA Compliant
Robotic Process Automation Medical Billing